Güncelleme Tarihi: 21 Şubat 2021

Gösterim: 530


1. Spectroscopic and Simulation Studies of Structures and Mobilities of Icy Surfaces and Adsorbates, National Science Foundation, NSF Grant CHE-9617120, Research Assistant, 1996.

2. Spectroscopic and Simulation Studies of Ice Surface Interactions with Intermediate and Strong Adsorbates, National Science Foundation, NSF Grant CHE-9983185, Research Assistant, 1998.

3. Hydrogen Bond Chemistry on Ice Surfaces: Interaction of Ice With Intermediate and Strong Adsorbates, Binational Science Foundation, BSF Grant 9800208, Research Assistant, 1998.

4. Physical Chemistry of Sulfur Containing Clusters and Their Interaction with HCl, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK, TBAG-HD/46 (105T234), Project Coordinator, 2005-2006.

5. The detailed microscopic and mechanistic investigation on proton solvation and dynamics for (HCl)n(CH3OH)m, (HCl)n(CH3OH)m(X)k (X=NH3 or H2O), n=1-2, m=1-7, k=1) systems at low temperatures. Suleyman Demirel University Scientific Research Projects, SDUBAP, Project No: 1211-m-05, Project Coordinator, 2005-2008.

6. Preparation, Characterization and Investigation of Conducting and Thermal Stability of Polyprol/Substituted Pirol Composites. Suleyman Demirel University, SDUBAP, 1210-m-05, Researcher, 2006-2007.

7. The Synthesis of Some Conducting Polymers Including Heteroatom and Their Derivatives, Investigation of Thermal-Conductivity Properties and Improvement of Their Potentially in Electrorheological Applications and Diot Studies. TUBITAK, TBAG- 105T382, Researcher, 2006-2007.

8. Theoretical Investigation of Solvation of NHO3 and of Its Competitive Adsorption with HCl on Ice Surface, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK, TBAG-107T044, Project Coordinator, 2007-2009.

9. "From simple molecules to nanostructured and bioactive materials", I. Simple systems with complex molecular interactions, with collaboration of Prof. Joanna Sadlej, the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland, the Polish Foundation of Science. International Partner Institution: Suleyman Demirel University, Department of Chemistry, Isparta, Turkey, (Prof. N. Uras-Aytemiz), 2008-

10. Etilen Oksit, Dimetil Eter,Trimetilen Oksit ve tetrahidrofuran Eterlerinin H2O İle Oluşturdukları Komplekslerin Teorik Olarak İncelenmesi. SDÜBAP, Proje No: 1826-YL-09, Proje yöneticisi, 2009.

11. Theoretical investigation of catalytic effect of surfaces of the crystalline nitric acid hydrates, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK, TBAG-109T823, Project Coordinator, 2010-2012.

12. HNO3’ ün katı su kümelerinde ve buz yüzeyindeki solvasyon ve iyonlaşması, ve klor içeren kuvvetli asitlerin solvasyon prosesine etkisi. SDÜBAP, Proje No: 2211-D-10, Proje yöneticisi, 2010-2012.

13. Exploring the Physical Chemistry of the Catalysis-Based All-Vapor Instant Formation of Gas Hydrates at Moderate P and T (180-220 K), National Science Foundation, NSF Grant CHE-1213732, Senior Scientist, 2012-2016.

14. Theoretical investigation of host-guest interactions in clathrate hydrates. Karabük University, Project Coordinator, 2013-2016.

15. Action-at-a-Distance via Ice-Like point Defects: Relating Catalytic Gas-Hydrate Formation and Antifreeze Protein Action to Epitaxial Growth of Gas Hydrates. National Science Foundation, NSF Grant CHE-1566600, Senior Scientist, 2016-2020.

16. H2SO4/HNO3/H2O Üçlü Atmosferik Kümelerin Teorik Olarak İncelenmesi, TÜBİTAK, TBAG- 215Z427, Danışman, 2016-1018.

17. Doğu Karadeniz Gaz Hidratlarının Oluşum Mekanizmasının Belirlenmesi ve Çevresel Etkilerinin Araştırılması. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü (MTA), Danışman, 2018-2021.

18. Klatrat Hidrat Yapılarındaki Kusurlar. TÜBİTAK, KBAG-119Z880, Proje yöneticisi, 2020-2023.

19. Chemobrionics (CBrio), European Science Foundation (ESF), COST CA17120, (http://www.chemobrionics.eu/), Management Committee Member, 2018-2022.